
This blog is first and foremost for me...
(I'm a Mom, there's not a lot in my life that's just for me anymore!). I also wanted to create a healthier way to share and vent my feelings about being physically limited... the other option was to scream and curse a lot, not so productive or healthy :o)

Second, I wanted to create a blog that other disabled and/or physically challenged parents could check out from time to time. Being a parent is extremely rewarding, but it's also a really tough job. Add pain and not-so-functional body parts and calling it a challenge doesn't even come close.

Thank you for reading.
I hope you find something helpful here. Sometimes it's nice just to know there are others out there, floating in the same waters, keeping a leaky boat afloat...

Monday, July 28, 2008

Insurance craziness

I have probably wined and complained to most of my friends and family about this already. And I have to say my husband is a saint for listening to me stress out and try not to totally freak out over our insurance issues.
So for those of you who haven't had to listen to me complain, our insurance company sent me a letter on Friday the 19th of July (two days before my birthday, excellent timing) saying that they couldn't certify my hip surgery based on the medical documentation they had!!!

Thank God I was blessed with good phone skills and an assertive manner, because that's basically what I did all afternoon last monday and all day tuesday. I talked to multiple people, left messages, wrote letters and faxed documents until I finally got process for an appeal started. Thankfully (and sadly), the medical assistant at my orthopedists office is very used to having to appeal the insurance companies decisions. She is having Dr. Clark write a letter explaining why I need the surgery and what he plans to do.

Apparently, people sign up for hip surgery all the time just for fun... ha ha.

Oh well, I've done all I can do now. Just have to wait and see what they decide. I'm trying to stay calm trust that everything will work out. I know I've done everything I could and as much as I may want to, freaking out isn't going to help any. UGH.

I'll keep you updated.

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