
This blog is first and foremost for me...
(I'm a Mom, there's not a lot in my life that's just for me anymore!). I also wanted to create a healthier way to share and vent my feelings about being physically limited... the other option was to scream and curse a lot, not so productive or healthy :o)

Second, I wanted to create a blog that other disabled and/or physically challenged parents could check out from time to time. Being a parent is extremely rewarding, but it's also a really tough job. Add pain and not-so-functional body parts and calling it a challenge doesn't even come close.

Thank you for reading.
I hope you find something helpful here. Sometimes it's nice just to know there are others out there, floating in the same waters, keeping a leaky boat afloat...

Saturday, November 15, 2008

"this is my hip"

My hip has been super ticked off with me the past few days. I'm pretty sure I've just done more than I should. It is hard for me to realize that not even 90 days has passed since the surgery. I need to listen to my body more! I've come to realize that those of us who are in pain on a fairly constant basis---seem to learn to ignore our pain. This is good when you're trying to fall asleep at night without pain medications, but not so good when you're ignoring the pain so you can clean up around the house or make dinner or do laundry or pick up your baby when they won't listen!
Anyway, I'm working on the happy medium. In my hip-group on Yahoo.com one of the other members posted something great today. I've pasted it below. She really sums it up well. Couldn't have said it better myself.

This Is My Hip

Fri Nov 14, 2008 3:44 am (PST)

This is my hip. There are many
like it, but this one is mine. My hip is not my best friend, but it is my
life. I must master it as I must master my life.

My hip, without hope, is useless. Without my hip, I am useless. I must
stride my hip true. I must walk straighter than my neighbors and all who
are trying to walk, too. I must walk among them, despite snapping and
grinding. I WILL…

My hip and myself know that what counts in this life are not the miles
we walk, the pain of our hips, nor the sounds we make. We know that it
is the hope that counts. WE WILL HOPE…

My hip is strong, even as I, and it is my life. Thus, I will learn it as
a science. I will learn its weaknesses, its strength, its parts, its
accessories…all about it as a whole and each of its individual
parts. I will ever guard it against the ravages of inaccurate diagnoses
and uncaring medical personnel, as I will ever guard my legs, my arms,
my eyes and my heart against damage as well. I will keep my hip limber
and strong. We will rely on each other. WE WILL…

Before God, I swear this creed. My hip and myself are the defenders of
my mobility. We are the masters of triumph and hope. WE ARE THE SAVIORS

So be it, until victory is ours and there is no pain, but LIFE!

Listen to my hip under this post on my blog or directly through you tube

6 surgeries, yet still on the quest for freedom...
