
This blog is first and foremost for me...
(I'm a Mom, there's not a lot in my life that's just for me anymore!). I also wanted to create a healthier way to share and vent my feelings about being physically limited... the other option was to scream and curse a lot, not so productive or healthy :o)

Second, I wanted to create a blog that other disabled and/or physically challenged parents could check out from time to time. Being a parent is extremely rewarding, but it's also a really tough job. Add pain and not-so-functional body parts and calling it a challenge doesn't even come close.

Thank you for reading.
I hope you find something helpful here. Sometimes it's nice just to know there are others out there, floating in the same waters, keeping a leaky boat afloat...

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Down to one crutch!

Can't believe I haven't posted in so long. It's been hectic around here with all the help we had after the surgery and the rehab. It's taken most of my energy just getting some of my "usual stuff" done. I'm feeling a lot better lately. The right hip pain is down by at least half and I'm walking with just one crutch! Very exciting to have a hand free now. I've even been up cooking meals again. The most exciting news is that I started driving again last week! It's amazing how much I missed that part of my independence. The physical therapy is going well. It's time intensive. I'm there for an hour and a half twice a week. I'm getting stronger and can walk further than I could before the surgery without pain. I still have a hard time with any standing for longer than a few minutes. We have our nanny still helping with my son and the usual stay at home mom "duties". She's a God-send. We are so grateful to have her.

Anyway, off to be...I'll work on increasing my updates...