
This blog is first and foremost for me...
(I'm a Mom, there's not a lot in my life that's just for me anymore!). I also wanted to create a healthier way to share and vent my feelings about being physically limited... the other option was to scream and curse a lot, not so productive or healthy :o)

Second, I wanted to create a blog that other disabled and/or physically challenged parents could check out from time to time. Being a parent is extremely rewarding, but it's also a really tough job. Add pain and not-so-functional body parts and calling it a challenge doesn't even come close.

Thank you for reading.
I hope you find something helpful here. Sometimes it's nice just to know there are others out there, floating in the same waters, keeping a leaky boat afloat...

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I'm still alive

Hi Everyone, Just wanted to let you all know I made it through the surgery. I'll post all the details from the doctor soon. It's still hard for me to sit for too long. So I'll keep this short. I'm using the continuous passive motion machine 4 hours a day everyday, I'm wearing my hip brace (I'll post a pic, it's ugly and cumbersome but supposed to help), I also have to wear these ridiculous boots to keep my legs straight while I sleep. Thank God for Vicodin! I have weaned myself off of pain meds during the day and just take them at night since I'm still sleeping in the recliner. Anyway, things are good so far. thanks for all the cards and flowers and well wishes ;o)

1 comment:

PiscesCafe said...

Best wishes on your recovery. I found your blog when I was googling Dr. Klapper. I'm scheduled to have a knee replacement done by him in November, so I was checking for any info on-line from folks.

It sounds like you've been through a lot, but I like your spirit. Again, best wishes!!