
This blog is first and foremost for me...
(I'm a Mom, there's not a lot in my life that's just for me anymore!). I also wanted to create a healthier way to share and vent my feelings about being physically limited... the other option was to scream and curse a lot, not so productive or healthy :o)

Second, I wanted to create a blog that other disabled and/or physically challenged parents could check out from time to time. Being a parent is extremely rewarding, but it's also a really tough job. Add pain and not-so-functional body parts and calling it a challenge doesn't even come close.

Thank you for reading.
I hope you find something helpful here. Sometimes it's nice just to know there are others out there, floating in the same waters, keeping a leaky boat afloat...

Monday, July 7, 2008

physically challenged breastfeeding

I was doing some random web searches on physically challenged parenting and I came across a great book. Breast Feeding and Human Lactation, by Jan Riordan. I'm going to purchase it so I can paraphrase some of the information on this blog. Just thought I'd throw the title out there for anyone thinking of breastfeeding. I have breastfed my son his whole life, we're going on 16 months now. He's just starting to wean because of my surgery in August. It's been an amazingly rewarding experience. He has been happy as a clam with all the delicious and nutritious breast milk. And, I've had all the happy hormones to keep the postpartum and chronic-pain blues away. Ps: breastfeeding releases endorphins which are basically, "happy hormones" that make you feel calm and relaxed.
More to come...

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